Planting Tips
Prior to Planting
Daylilies are usually sold with
the soil removed from the roots (bare roots), thoroughly washed,
and air dried. They may be shipped or remain out of the soil
for up to five days without permanent damage if they are not
exposed to too much heat or freezing conditions. The less
days they are out of the soil is ideal, especially during
the bloom season.
Bare root plants usually have
the foliage trimmed to help the plant stimulate a new and
vigorous root system and new foliage.
The roots of the plant should
be soaked for 30 min. or up to a few hours before planting.
While the plants are soaking, you could prepare the planting
site. Read the fertilizer label for exact amounts, but you
should take a half-strength mixture of liquid or water soluble
fertilizer and dissolve in luke warm water.
Daylilies have scapes, known
as bloom stalks, of different heights and bloom sizes. When
placing the plants in a bed, the taller scaped plants may
be planted toward the back and the shorter ones in the front.
They could also be placed as an accent with other flowering
annuals and perennials to enhance the overall design of the
Daylilies should get at least
a half day of sunshine. Partial shade from intense afternoon
sun may help darker colored blooms to maintain their vibrant
colors longer.
Soil Preparation
Daylilies should be planted in
rich soil. The ideal environment is a flower bed or garden
mixture of organic matter, topsoil and peat moss tilled to
approximately one foot. Established soil can be dug and planted
without soil settling, which generally occurs in newly prepared
Planting Daylilies
At least a two foot
diameter is recommended between daylilies and other annuals.
This will allow plants to multiply without disturbing the
root system for several years. Dig a hole that is one foot
in diameter, and loosen the soil to a depth of 10-12 inches,
depending on the size of the root system.
A mound in the center of the
hole should be firmly formed to provide support for the plant
during the planting and to maintain proper depth (see illustration
below). The root system should be placed around the mound,
while keeping the crown of the plant, no more than one inch
below finished ground level. The "crown" is that
narrow area between the plant's leaves and root system. Place
the remaining soil into the hole, packing gently until the
root system is covered. Water with the fertilizer water used
earlier to soak the plants.
Various mulches are fine for
daylilies, such as pine needles, decomposed sawdust, chopped
leaves, etc. However, large wood chips should be avoided,
since they could attract slugs. Mulch helps retain moisture
during hot or dry spells and in weed control, as well as adding
to the overall beauty of the bed.
Water soaking is needed during
the late spring and summer growth at least once per week.
More frequent watering may be needed during the blooming season
or very dry summers.
Fertilization should be done
in the spring, mid-summer, and fall. Use any good fertilizer
(6-12-12, 8-8-8, 8-14-12, etc.). Scratch into the soil and
water well. Organic fertilizers are encouraged. There are
some that are available as a 'foliar' spray.
Pest Control
Daylilies are generally resistant
to garden pests. If there is a problem, they can be easily
controlled by products on the market.